Saturday, 2 June 2018

Announcements - June 3, 2018

  • Church prayer meetings are held every Sunday at 10:30am at the office. All are encouraged and welcome to attend. 
  • WBC101 will commence soon. For those who plan to be baptized or transferred their membership to Westside, please contact Pastor Gladys after the service. 
  •  “Building Redevelopment Fund” (BR Fund) is designated for any building redevelopment project. Brothers and sisters who would like to make a donation towards the fund, please specify “BR Fund” on the offering envelope. 
  • There will be a community luncheon on June 10 and a CE workshop after the luncheon. The topic of the workshop is “Mapping our story: a workshop to connect our work with God’s work”. The luncheon is $10 per person. Please register with your SG leaders for the luncheon. 
  • A meditation retreat will be held on June 24 between 2pm and 4pm at the main hall. The material written will be in English. But the verbal instruction will be in Cantonese. The topic is “Healing Life’s Wounds – 3) Willing to be healed”. The details and sign-up sheet have been posted on the bulletin board. 
  • The church will donate non-perishable food items to the residents of the temporary modular housing in Marpole area once a month. Brothers and sisters are encouraged to donate non-perishable food items to our mini food bank at the main entrance. Also, we will recruit volunteers to drive the residents to do grocery shopping once a month. Please contact Felix Loo for more details. 
  • If you cannot fulfill your worship duties, please inform the office directly to make the arrangement. Do not switch it on your own for it may cause confusion or conflict in other serving roles in the church. Also if you have your out of town schedules, please inform the office or your team leader so as to help in making arrangement for the duties.
  • If you do not register your car parked at the church, you will run into the risk of being towed. So please read the reminders that have been posted on the bulletin board before you park here.

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