Friday, 6 July 2018

Announcements - July 8, 2018

  • Church prayer meetings are held every Sunday at 10:30am at the office. All are encouraged and welcome to attend. 
  • A special workshop will be held on today between 1:30pm-3:00pm at the main hall. The topic is “Things we need to know about Depression and Suicide”. The workshop will be conducted in Chinese but simultaneous translation will be provided if there is a need. 
  • A church wide campaign will be held from July 13 –August 24 (except August 3) Fridays at 7:30pm. The topic is 40 Days of Community. There will be a joint refreshment time after the SG sessions. So please bring your desserts and snacks to share and do allow time for community building with the whole church. 
  • The semi-annual congregational meeting will be held on July 15 at 1:00pm. Agenda is as follow: 
    1. Semi-annual financial report of 2018. 
    2. Report the progress of building redevelopment. 
    3. Report about renewing lease with Hemrich Bros. 
    4. To approve the recommendation to CBWC for Peter Cheung’s application as a “Candidate for Ministry Training”. 
    5. To approve the Pastoral Discernment Committee. Deacon Representatives: James Lai & Jenny Tse; Congregational Representatives: Felix Loo, Monica Tong & Cannis Wan 
  • WBC101 will commence soon. For those who plan to be baptized or transferred their membership to Westside, please contact Pastor Gladys after the service. 
  • “Building Redevelopment Fund” (BR Fund) is designated for any building redevelopment project. Brothers and sisters who would like to make a donation towards the fund, please specify “BR Fund” on the offering envelope. 
  • If you cannot fulfill your worship duties, please inform the office directly to make the arrangement. Do not switch it on your own for it may cause confusion or conflict in other serving roles in the church. Also if you have your out of town schedules, please inform the office or your team leader so as to help in making arrangement for the duties. 
  • Brothers and sisters are reminded that security camera system has been installed outside the church building.

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