Wednesday, 1 December 2021

Important Announcement: New government restrictions on worship gatherings

In the November 30 news conference, the provincial government lifted the exemption for religious gatherings. Beginning on December 1, we can only operate at full capacity if all participants are fully vaccinated against COVID-19; otherwise, our worship gatherings will be capped at 50% of seated capacity. The new regulation has put the pastoral team in a dilemma. We understand there are different reasons why some brothers and sisters are not yet fully vaccinated. With the new requirement to provide vaccination proof, some of our brothers and sisters will not be able to attend worship gatherings on-site; they will only be able to participate through our webcast platform. If not every attendant is fully vaccinated, we can only gather at 50% of capacity --- at this stage, we do not have enough human resources to hold two Cantonese worship services --- resulting in even fewer brothers and sisters participating on-site. Choosing between two equally undesirable options, we decide to require all worshippers attending on-site to show proof of vaccination. Brothers and sisters who are not fully vaccinated are welcome to continue worshipping with us through our live webcast platform.

The pandemic, lasting for almost two years now, has affected every aspect of our lives. But let us not be affected by the pandemic in our worshipping of God. Whether in-person or online, let us persevere in continuing to worship the Lord, and remain steadfast in the unity of fellowship with brothers and sisters. Let us pray for these changes and ask the Lord to protect His church.

If you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact the church office or the pastoral team. May the Lord bless you.


  • Q: Do kids need to provide vaccination proof to attend worship service, CitRUs or AWANA?
    A: For now only those who are age 12 and above need to provide vaccination proof; kids under 12 do not.
  • Q: Is vaccination proof required for on-site small group gatherings?
    A: According to government guidelines, indoor organized gatherings with less than 50 people do not require vaccination proof. Therefore, as long as the small group gathering is held in a room with a direct entrance from the outside to allow them to not mingle with other people in the building, vaccination proof is not required if the gathering has less than 50 people attending.
  • Q: Is vaccination proof required for on-site GZone gatherings?
    A: Just like the requirement for small groups, as long as the conditions are met, vaccination proof is not required to attend GZone.
  • Q: What if someone wants to join the on-site worship service but cannot provide a vaccination proof?
    A: We will request all worshippers to show their vaccination proof as they enter. Those who cannot provide their vaccination proof, we are not able to allow them into the building, and we will invite them to join our worship service online.
  • Q: Is mask wearing required for worship gatherings?
    A: Worshippers must wear a mask or face-covering at all times during the worship service, except when consuming the elements during the Holy Communion.
  • Q: Will attending the English worship service require vaccination proof also?
    A: Yes. Even though the English worship service currently has not reached 50% seating capacity, we want to have unity on this issue for the whole church.

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